The boy tapped his pencil against his desk. He noticed the surface of the table was cool to the touch as he laid his palm against its surface. An idea popped into the boys head. "I wonder how it would feel if I laid my cheek against the table?" The curiosity of his thoughts took over. Soon his head was turned sideways with his cheek resting on the surface of the desk. He noticed his breathing moistneing the surface of the table. WIth each exalation he made, the texture of the surface of the desk turned to a wet darker appearance. Immediatly one thought crept into the boys thoughts. "tic tac toe game" Carefully, taking his pointer finger he drew a line through the wet space that his breathing had created on the desk. A dry line appeared down the middle of the wet condensation puddle. Another thought crept into the students brain at that precise moment. "tic tac toe requires 2 people" his eyes gazed upwards. The teacher was blabbering away. His eyes glanced at the school notebook beside him. Not many notes were jotted down. "there's got to ba better way to take notes, maybe if I write smaller that will focus my attention better" slowly his pen made out a "J" starting to spell the word juxtapostion. The teacher had reapetedly said this word and it bared some signifigance in the boys mind. Later that evening he would get home from class and would know with a quite amount of certainty that the word "juxtaposition" had some signifigance in that days lecture. The student righted himself from his slouched postion and tried to engage himself in the lecture.
With numbers flashing by 2006/07/25
both feet firmly placed on the floor and the steady humm of numbers in progress. I stay placed in an office chair with headphones wrapped around my head and classical music lulls me to words, which I will write down. Yeah I was planning on writing something down. I got my pen in hand and the yellow pad of paper in front of me was soon found as well. Yet as soon as I thought about the circumstances I figured I hadn't written in this time keeper for a while and thus felt the need I'd have a go. It's very peaceful here tonight. There's just the hum of an office and me and the slow taps as I put each letter into words onto this writing in front of me. I guess it is a peace of mind I am in right now. Music is touching my soul and and the piano crecendos into worlds of imagination as I sit here at my own piano and create music with words. It is important I do not think to much. That is a problem with many as with myself. I must not think to hard. Yeah that sounds about right.
There was a grand lightning show today. Flashes of light lit out of the corner of my eye as I focused on sleeping in green comforter that covers my sisters bed. The rain when it did come, came down in torrents in waves, created by the wind as the wind blew the the rain fell. Thunder struck quite close bam's and boom's and drums and cracks. The cat thought the end of the world had probably come. The halloween cat is what she turned into, puffed out like a blowfish eyes as big as eyes get. Ohh I have 30 miniutes until my job ends. Video editing is quite peaceful. It could be boring, but I like writing and thus right now the occupation seems to suit me well. Many odd jobs have entered into my life this summer. The restaurant bizz, the music bizz, and now the editing bizz. I'm a busy bee bzzzzzzz. Got to watch those sunsets, sunrises, moon shines. I've been doing that as well. Running to the tops of mountains to catch those or biking to lost distances. How's everybody else doing in this world tonight? Some are laughing I bet, some are jumping, some are dancing. Probably some are singing as well. I bet some are sleeping too, which means, some are dreaming. Probably some people are dreaming so heavily that they think they are in actuality flying, but will be rudely awakened when morning comes around. Let them enjoy that for now though. So here I sit listening to the ideas festival in Aspen CO on a computer surrounded by computers. I'm in the NASA space station of editing. There's so much machinery, I don't even know how to turn the whole system off. OR actually I do but it takes out 15 buttons or switches or latches. Well soon conclusions will made for tonight and another day tomarrow will come to have a countinuation of a pretty awesome wonderful life. Signing out to the lovely world,
happy trails
well then 2006/03/12
Yes I am well. Great day of skiing yesterday. We found the powder. Need I say more? Now I am procrastinating, pondering, and scrutinizing my world, which is fun. Morning is a good time for me. I'm awake, alert, energized and all other descriptions which do not define a comatose human being. At about 1 or 2 pm I go into a slumber. Keeping the eyes open is a stretch. After 7 or 8 pm suddenly I'm awake again. This comes at a cost. The later I stay up, the more tired I'll be in the morning. Ohh the cycle! usually before 12 is the official bedtime, but sometimes oh man....sometimes I go to bed after 12 and that happens, usually when I am procrastinating, pondering and scrutinizing my world, which happens a lot.
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