So you stand your ground. You notice that all the birds are not only different colors, but are changing colors as well. The song is beautiful that they sing. There are no words but just sounds. They seem to tell the story of the forest around them and each note rings true. You stand there in awe listening and enjoying the sun as well. Just moments before snow filled your scenery and now green is everywhere you look. The end of the music comes and the birds clap their wings together. the biggest of the birds wears a crown on his head and he makes his way forward to you walking proud, beak raised high. He bows before you and in his wings is a letter that he places at your side.
``hello kindest friend that has listened to our beat
we welcome you to Forest Land and hope that you find it neat
fear not wise sir for you are in a land of green and breeze
we are the bird people of Sorowndow and only like to sing.
We sing secrets that help in other times that you can store if you have the wheel
We`d like you to join us at our tree top perch for some local food, a meal!``
You you do not pass up the request and follow your new bird friends. As you are walking through the forest a small bird comes behind and beckons for you to follow him off the trail. Do you follow him or remain with the group?
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