Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Well Hello All. It is snowing outside and the mountains are getting snow. Lately I've been having fun with a camera and have found some pictures too isn't that wonderful. Gosh I love when you find pictures that you thought you lost. It is always way neat when that happens. The Japanese music scene I am slowly getting into and as I meander I'm finding in the nooks in crannies some more music. Let's get down to business shall we?!
First off I'm doing some music playing with my friend Mark who loves music. We're playing together in May in Tomioka should be fun. Tomioka is a bigger town about 10 min from my little town. It has a bigger supermarket there and I frequently go there to buy food, hang out with some other chill teachers and now play music.
And here is a Japanese candle just because. It's a Japanese candle because it's in Japan otherwise I'd say it's an American candle if I was in the U.S.
That is a lot of sushi plates right there. I think this is what fast food should be. The hot water for the tea actually came out of the table. I hung out with the Ashiguchi family. You can see the faucet in back of me on the table. It was pretty convenient. Earlier that day I was playing music with Mark... yes the one above and his son mentioned that he worked at a Sushi restaurant. Guess what Sushi restaurant he worked at.
He ski's, plays music and I teach him English. His English is pretty good though. Just jammed last night at my house. You should always play music with people I think.
So I've just found these pictures that I thought I had lost. Here was the beginning of Thailand. The flight was long. I mostly remember getting to Phi Phi at 10 pm at night somehow we got on a van aka taxi and after many detours were led to our accomodation. Parties were in full swing. The humid air hit our eyes and made us squint even though it was night. Really loud music came from every corner and we dodged motor bikes to get into our hostle. Upon first arriving I thought the place I had researched to stay at had been a bad place, but it turned out to be a wonderful establishment. The guy was really nice. Phuket is bustling explosion right now. I remember falling asleep that night to a ceiling fan slowly jingling and cool air blowing on my shirt. The lights in the hallway went off at 6 am that morning. As I awoke the party was still going, but had died down and by the time Val and I hit the streets morning has started and Phuket was in breakfast mode. We snapped some pictures. There is no traffic lights in Thailand or very few and seldom followed. Lots of tourists still rent motor bikes here.
Yep the 711 lives on in large numbers serving many different purposes. It was very convenient here as well. Ok well gonna leave you with that more story to come.

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