Thursday, September 17, 2009


I guess the problem is that we think too much as humans. Problems usually grow larger if you dwell too much on them. For instance lets take Japanese culture. You open the door and the first thing you see is rushing cars, pink lights, and then countryside. At first it`s very cute. The men get up every morning and do their routine stretch. The children sing the toothbrush song, but then you realize it is a militaristic system and that throws you. You have to look through the Cotton candy and cute wrapping paper. You come to the realization that everything follows a strict plan. People are not put into class by their abilities, but rather their pre-existing position in life. This throws you as well. Shouldn`t the effort driven people reap the benefits and society not be based on a preset hierarchy.? Then you dwell a little more on the problem. Ok so were talking about economic status. Ok well lets look around the world. Lets take a macroeconomic anthropologic approach to this whole problem. One of the main questions that economists ask is why is there a widening gap between the rich and the poor and more so why is it so hard for the poor class to improve their situation? Then we do some research, or really just common sense observation and we come up with the easy explanation. The wealthier class is given more opportunity then the poor class from the get go. Lets take me for example. I grew up in a bubble. I will admit it is a bubble. The town is Aspen, Colorado and it is nestled in the Mountains, yet is known by the world as a secret get away. Ohh wait though we can`t take me for an example because just a generation ago my family line was quite poor. Down town Chicago in the USA. I imagine dirty living conditions and a dangerous neighborhood of crime and violence. My dad grew up in this place and just a generation ago before that my grandparents were in camps during the 2nd world war being transported like a bunch of cattle around the U.S. Ok so over a short time period Japan is like the rest of the world. We are all predetermined to be at a certain economic status. It took me 3 generations and now here I am with much opportunity ahead of me. My sister has this too. She is currently studying in University and solves rubix cubes in her spare time, while discussing world topics over tea with other possible future astronauts. She is in a great situation as well. She also had great opportunities offered to her. If you look at her, like me though 2 generations ago, we were in the dumps, struggling to survive in a foreign world called America. In Japan everybody is a robot. It is so ironic because I was just at a speech contest yesterday and some of the most high evaluated speeches were speeches where the kids literally spoke like robots! There is a preset time for everything. You can even say it in a robot voice if you would like. It would work in Japan “At 23 YOU WILL BE MARRIED, IF YOU ARE NOT MARRIED YOU WILL BE SINGLE” “IF YOU ARE A MAN YOU WORK, IF YOU ARE A WOMEN YOU WORK WHEN YOU ARE 20 AND 21 SO THAT YOU CAN FIND A HUSBAND. YOU THEN QUIT WORK” YOUR JOB IS NOW TO HAVE BABIES AND CLEAN” YOU DON`T GET TO HAVE A JOB” Ok here is another part of daily life… “LETS PLAY SOCCER…. “STRETCH EXACTLY 4 TIMES WITH YOUR LEGS, and then “4 TIMES WITH YOUR ARMS” and now we will “RECITE A SPEECH WHICH SAYS THAT SOCCER IS THE GREATEST SPORT IN THE WORLD” ok so lets go farther and go driving “ YOU GOT INTO A CAR CRASH IT IS BOTH OF YOUR FAULTS ALWAYS, EVEN THOUGH YOU BUMPED INTO ME IT IS MY FAULT TOO” Do you kind of get the gist of what I`m saying. I`m actually kind of confusing myself right now by writing this down. I just know that I run into situations on a daily basis here and I really have to make sure I`m actually really seeing what I`m seeing. I guess Japan could be summarized by saying that it is one huge psychology project. Can you see how much I am thinking right now. Just look at all those thoughts I poured above me. Are you confused yet? I bet you are. I am. Just in general thinking to much is a bad thing. For example just start up your mind engines and start thinking “What are we?” Stop thinking right away your mind computer will surely crash or leave you feeling utterly confused. See thinking too much is a task! Yet here I think again it is the reason that makes us unique from all other species. It is a gift and not a gift sometimes I`ll tell you wha! Some of the best minds in the world have come up with the resolution that we can rid our selves of thought by only thinking in the present. The future has not happened and we don`t know what will happen. The past already did happen and we can`t change it…duhhhhh. Yet There we are saying I wish…I wish….. which interestingly applies to both the past and the future. “I wish that didn`t happen” “I wish I had love in my life” seeee it works for both diretions. Ohhhhh man we are thinking a lot… Lookk at where these thoughts took us we started from a simple discussion about thinking and look now whewwwwy. Now we`ve created two many instruments all playing together. We have the flute, the Violin, the Cello, The Piano, The Guitar, 6 men singing, One trumpet. They are all playing music at the same time. Does your mind feel busy? My mind sure does! Lets push the stop button now!!!! Ahhhhhhhh that is better ! Do you feel better. I sure do. Would you like some orange juice? Lets go get sooome of that tasty concentrate! いきましょう

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