Saturday, June 19, 2010

As of Late

Hello All!
Today is Sunday and yesterday was Saturday. Yesterday I played music in a lovely park and then ate at a delicious restaurant where I had a Pumpkin Soup! Lately I've been taking lots of walks. Just the other evening I walked to my closest 711 store and back again in the rain. Walking I find is a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but also avoid the humid feel if you happen to be in a humid place. I find when I go on a run here in this village that I get itchy and feel uncomfortable after going for a run so I have switched to walking. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have been attending Kendo as well. It is a great way to sharpen my Japanese skills as well as learn ancient culture. It requires discipline though. What is important in Kendo is no so much mastering the techniques themselves, but more so learning the customs behind the techniques. It is really a dance within a dance. Lately I have been reading a lot of knowledge by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. I feel everybody should know this knowledge. Right now he runs an organization called the Art Of Living. It is a institution that bases itself on changing the world through changing people first. Please take the course! I went into it 2 years ago apprehensive about the program and I feel now that it is making the world a better place. I have getting into practice as of late and encourage everybody to start. Even Dan Brown's new book "The Last Symbol" describes the knowledge that is in the world. Google became a successful company because it created value! It was a company who's founders had some information they knew could change the world. It has changed the world that we live in. Guru Dev says that we must have intention, but not desire! Desire is accompanied with feverishness while intention is not. Intention is putting a goal forward................ he says it way better please read his blog

Everybody be in the knowledge!